Thursday, March 22, 2012

What I learned- Tim

Although the chat session was hard to get used to and at times hard to keep up, I did learn some interesting things from other classmates about The Metamorphosis.  A couple of the chat rooms discussed the connection between Kaftka and Gregor.  Reading people's responses really helped me realize how much the two are similar.  They both have a dramatic life change that causes others to treat them differently.  After Gregor's metamorphosis he realizes that he is burdening his family and I think that Kaftka probably felt the same. Someone posted that the book represents existentialism and I think that is an accurate statement.  Kaftka probably woke one day and realized that he had undergone a metamorphosis because of his tuberculosis.  It seems appropriate that Kaftka chose a bug for Gregor to transform into, because while bugs are for the most part harmless to us, we are still burdened by their presence, just like Gregor's family was burdened by his presence.   

Also one question that I found was repeated in many of the the chat rooms was if Gregor's character could be understood by anyone.  This is still unknown to me as I can see how both sides have good arguments.  I thought is was very eerie how both Kaftka and Gregor dealt with starvation, Kaftka couldn't eat because of his disease and when Gregor's sister investigated his body she noticed he was malnourished.  This is obviously just a coincidence.  Another thing that was discussed was the setting of the apartment, and how it may have symbolized how Gregor was trapped.  Someone mentioned how the apple that was thrown into Gregor's back symbolized wisdom and that when it stuck into him he started to question what he had become.


  1. I think i was in the same chat as yourself. I thought the same thing on how i learned alot from Kaftka and Gregor, the similarity were really quit scary. I think Kaftka did probably wake up one day and decide that he was a outsider and felt he needed to share his way of thinking. I think it was important that you wrote about how Gregor's character was easy to understand and that everyone has gone through a time where you were the outsider in some situation. This just shows to think about what you might say or do that could affect someone in the long run. You might be killing them off over time!

  2. I'm glad you brought up the setting of the apartment--I agree that the apartment here symbolizes confinement, particularly since Gregor is supposed to stay only in his room. So being forced to stay in a room within an apartment is the ultimate in confinement. I like your last remark about the apple symbolizing widsom--it think it raises issues about what the wisdom truly is in this novel, and who actually possesses it.
